Do you have a staff member that is complaining of pain issues at work? Do you have a staff member that is PREGNANT or returning to work after illness? If so, we can help with a DSE Ergonomic Assessment.
A DSE Ergonomic Assessment is a careful analysis of the working environment and any equipment relating to it, including the desk and chair. The purpose of the assessment is to establish whether workstation practises have the likelihood of causing harm.
Our job is to identify the risks and minimise them as far as practically possible and therefore keep discomfort at bay.
We aim to provide a responsive ergonomic workstation assessment at your desk to ensure that workstation postures are correct. Our team of skilled, London & Cambridgeshire based assessors can help you find long term solutions for any discomfort that you may have experienced at your workstation.
Don’t worry, we have a network of the best ergonomic assessors across the UK, we seek out the most experienced professionals in this field.
We specialise in finding workplace solutions for complicated pain issues arising from poor ergonomic postural habits. We have built a reputation for finding solutions for everyone we work with.
New Image Office Design Ltd provides guidance regarding Ergonomic Assessments, including seating analysis and workstation overviews for an entire workplace, or for one individual office space.
This process is sometimes called a Display Screen Equipment Assessment, or just DSE for short.

Ergonomic Workstation Assessments may be used as a way of just checking your working environment is suitable for your every day tasks.
As part of an assessment we would check you are sitting comfortably in a position which supports your posture.Injuries sustained due to poor postures being adopted are called slow injuries. They are slow because the effects can build up over a prolonged period of time and can develop from chronic discomfort to acute pain.
Checking your workstation on a regular basis by having an Ergonomic Workstation Assessment or DSE assessment, may prevent awkward postures from continuing and resulting in upper limb disorders.
Most conditions aggravated by poor workstation posture may be minimised if good ergonomic practices are adopted.
Contact us today on or call 01733 202080 or 07714 505466 for your valuable and cost effective workplace assessment services.

Designed to analyse any risks associated with the work environment, including the desk and chair. WE VISIT YOU and ensure that you are compliant with minimum legislative government guidelines, making any necessary adjustments on the spot. Our aim is to minimise risks that have the likelihood of causing harm, and ensure best ergonomic workstation practise is being adopted for the future. We provide individuals with tools to ensure that they are well equipped to deal with workplace pain issues, should they arise. The duration of a Level 1 Ergonomic workstation Assessment or DSE Assessment is 30 minutes per person, and includes a comprehensive report with our recommendations and justifications for equipment, if necessary.
Designed specifically to assist those with a chronic or acute condition for which immediate attention is required. WE VISIT YOU. As well as making sure that you are compliant with minimum Government Guidelines, we will analyse the workstation and minimise any issues that have the potential to cause harm. We eliminate hazardous factors on the spot and specialise in finding long lasting workplace solutions for people we work with. We find workstation pain solutions for people who suffer with wide and varying conditions, including sciatic type symptoms and disc prolapse discomfort. The duration of a Level 2 Ergonomic Workstation Assessment or DSE assessment is 1hr and includes a full written report with on-going email support. Significant adjustments may be required.
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